
Jan Monschke

Conference/Installation/Performance Chair

Jan Monschke is a frontend engineer working at SoundCloud in Berlin. He works on the main web app, as well as the Xbox app and occasionally some of the mobile apps.

He discovered his interest in the Web Audio API when he was writing his master’s thesis on building a fully collaborative DAW purely with web technology. This project was presented at the very first Web Audio Conference in Paris in 2015.

Nowadays his main music-related focus is his Web Audio Band the nested_loops who is regularly performing at the biggest JavaScript conference in europe.

photo of Jan Monschke

Christoph Guttandin

Conference/Program Chair

Christoph is a freelance Web Developer based in Berlin. He is specialized in multi media applications that leverage all the new and shiny APIs that are available in todays browsers. He has recently worked on streaming solutions and interactive music applications for clients like TV stations, streaming services, synthesizer vendors, and artists.

He is currently about to complete a master’s degree in International Media and Computing and is a certified Audiovisual Media Designer.

Christoph was a speaker at the last two Web Audio Conferences in London and Atlanta.


photo of Christoph Guttandin

Norbert Schnell

Scientific/Program Chair

Norbert Schnell is professor of Music Design at the Digital Media Faculty at the Furtwangen University. He studied Music Technology in Graz before entering the Ircam in Paris as researcher and developer in the field of interactive digital audio processing and interaction design.

He chaired the 6th International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME 2006) and the first Web Audio Conference (WAC 2015).

In 2013 he obtained his doctorate on key aspects of sound and interaction design with recorded sounds.

Over the past years, he coordinated the CoSiMa project exploring collective interactions in the context of participative art and music projects, collaborative digital media, and music pedagogy based on mobile and web technologies.

photo of Norbert Schnell

Stefan Weinzierl

Local Chair

Stefan Weinzierl is head of the Audio Communication Group at the Technische Universität Berlin. His activities in research are focused on audio technology, virtual acoustics, room acoustics, and musical acoustics.

He is coordinator of a master program in Audio Communication and Technology at TU Berlin.

With a diploma in physics and sound engineering, he received his Ph.D. in Musical Acoustics from TU Berlin. He is currently coordinating research consortia in the field of virtual acoustics (SEACEN, DFG) and music information retrieval (ABC_DJ, H2020).…/prof_dr_stefan_weinzierl/

photo of Stefan Weinzierl

Athanasios Lykartsis

Local Chair

Athanasios Lykartsis received his Diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki in 2009. He then completed a Master's degree in Audio Technology at the TU Berlin in 2014, with further specialization in audio signal processing.

Now he is a research associate and PhD candidate at the Audio Communication Group, as well as a freelance consultant for audio-based projects.

Special interests include rhythm feature design for as language identification and machine learning for audio data analysis.


photo of Athanasios Lykartsis

Jack Schaedler

Demos/Posters Chair

Jack Schaedler is a software developer at Ableton. He has worked on Ableton Live, and most recently, Ableton's microsite for learning music fundamentals.

His personal work explores the use of interactive media to explain difficult concepts like Fourier analysis, handwriting recognition, and music theory.

He holds a master's degree in Digital Music Processing from the Centre for Digital Music at Queen Mary, University of London.

photo of Jack Schaedler

Tom Jenkinson

Installation/Performance Chair

Tom is a web streaming engineer at SoundCloud. He works on the playback library for the web applications, which uses <audio />, Media Source Extensions, and WebAudio.

He previously studied software engineering at Lancaster University in the UK, and was an active member of the student TV station.

In his free time he enjoys playing trumpet and drums in a few bands in Berlin, and contributes to the open source HLS client HLS.JS.


photo of Tom Jenkinson

Program Committee

Paul Adenot
Alo Allik
Jesse Allison
Jack Armitage
Stefan Balke
Cristiano Belloni
Benjamin Bernard
Andrew Bernstein
Astrid Bin
Joerg Bitzer
Xavier Boissarie
Paul Brossier
Michel Buffa
Andrei Bundin
Thibaut Carpentier
Antonio D. Carvalho Jr
Keunwoo Choi
Hongchan Choi
Brecht De Man
Georg Essl
Catherine Faron Zucker
Frederic Font
Jason Freeman
Samuel Goldszmidt
Fabio Goródscy
Siddharth Gururani
Ben Houge
Timothy Hsu
Fernando Iazzetta
Nicholas Jillings
Ruth John
Sema Kachalo
David Kim-Boyle
Jean-Philippe Lambert
Joseph Larralde
Victor Lazzarini
Jerome Lebrun
Sang Won Lee
Stéphane Letz
Chris Lilley
Thor Magnusson
Anand Mahadevan
Yotam Mann
Anthony Marasco
Benjamin Matuszewski
Matt Mckegg
Adib Mehrabi
Stuart Memo
Jan-Torsten Milde
Alessia Milo
Nicolas Misdariis
Chase Mitchusson
Dave Moffat
Markus Noisternig
Frederick Ostrenko
Matthew Paradis
Bryan Pardo
Tae Hong Park
Tero Parviainen
Johan Pauwels
Guillaume Pellerin
David Poirier-Quinot
Charlie Roberts
Chris Rogers
Victor Saiz
Mark Sandler
Jordan Santell
Diemo Schwarz
Jason Sigal
Boris Smus
Jeff Snyder
Ryan Stables
Kyle Stetz
Ariane Stolfi
Fabian-Robert Stöter
Jeff Switzer
Hiroyuki Takakura
Ben Taylor
Florian Thalmann
Lucas Thompson
Raimund Vogtenhuber
Tony Wallace
Yonghao Wang
Lin Wang
Olivier Warusfel
Chris Wilson
Mike Winters
Lonce Wyse
Anna Xambó
Minjoon Yoo
Ehsan Ziya