🎼🌐🎁 We published all videos on YouTube! 🎁🌐🎼

Web Audio Conf | Berlin


The Web Audio Conference is an international conference dedicated to emerging audio-related web technologies such as Web Audio API, Web MIDI and Web RTC / WebGL.

We welcome web developers, music technologists, computer musicians, application designers, researchers, and people involved in web standards.

Stay up to date

We are just getting started and will announce more information soon πŸ“£.
The date is set, so mark it in your calendar πŸ“…βœŒοΈ.
In the meantime, please subscribe to our newsletter to receive updates, or follow us on twitter: @webaudioconf.

Code of Conduct

All attendees, speakers, sponsors, and volunteers at the WAC are required to agree with the following code of conduct: Read the Code of Conduct.